

---the business of art


---nicholas blechman at unjobs.org

   "...For me design is organizing information in such a way that

   it makes a statement..."


---design observer


---Nick DEWAR - illustration but how?


---the economist



   1 2005 with a Master Series exhibition

   2 an interview with him about Yellow Submarine

   3 an interview with Niemann

   4 form.de

   5 vorspann: der phantastische film

   6 in memory of heinz edelmann

   7 heinz edelmann...dies at 75, by steven heller



---ethik / die neue moral des designs

   rainer erlinger: gute form, böse form


---expensive illustration! teure illustration!

   this little movie shows you why you should respect copyright,

   why illustration should be paid on a fair level,




---making of google chrome video by 1stavemachine


---google quick draw


---Illustration Age:http://illustrationage.com


---1880-1922 illustration art


--- illustration and product design


---learning to love you more


---ellen lupton: WHAT SHE SAW


---drawing a mona lisa in 80 milliseconds


---christoph niemann: i confess...


---christoph niemann: How to overcome the 3 Fears...


---the new yorker covers


---the onion


---op-ed at 40: four decades of art


---edel rodriguez op-ed on honduras, sketches and final on drawger


---notable opinion art of the year 2009 /nytimes


---our fears


---the thing with perfection, by suvi häring


---picuture collection by Peter Piller


---illustrator PROFILES at AI




---yuko shimizu on FAQs


---how to steal like an artist...by Austin Kleon


---Shan Tan about his work


---tutormill - online mentoring classes for illustration


---nate williams on inspiration


---work process of www.redsilas.com/sketch and final


---paul sahre about regrets


---rieplsches gesetz


---TED ideas worth spreading


---ten answers from creative minds




---Schaubilder Kunstverein Bielefeld


---EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT SIGNAGE, a pecha-kucha presentation

   by dan pink/wired mag


---stefan sagmeister - answers for students


---the society of illustrators/ online lecture series


---about table tennis


---jan van toorn: advice for a student designer

   Jan van Toorn Q&A - The relationship between form and technology


---translations 03

   review on slanted.de


---vice - the artist by anna haifisch













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