books you might want to have:


---abstract city by christoph niemann


---american illustration


---cars trucks and things that go by richard scarry


---chevaliers by katrin stangl


---das lexikon des bösen


---der polarforscher by abmeier, tom coraghessan boyle, wagenbreth 


---exit wounds by rutu modan


---food rules by maira kalman and michael pollan


---handbook of pricing and ethical guidelines


---hotel-hotel by martin kippenberger


---mehr ist dazu nicht zu sagen: heissenbüttel, edelmann


---nozone X by nicholas blechman


---out of science: No.8 by hiro sugiyama


---people by blexbolex




---piero della francesca frescos all kinds of books






---tadanori yokoo


---the dark by jon klassen


---the hokusai sketchbook


---this one summer by mariko and jilian tamaki


---the ultimate book of vehicles by anne-sophie baumann


---yuko shimizu





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